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Kita para gamers antusias pasti tau Republic of Gamers, line laptop dari ASUS ini is arguably the most famous Gaming laptop brand in the WORLD. Ada tiga tipe ASUS ROG 1.        STRIX / GL Series (Serie terendah dan ter-affordable *di kelasnya*) 2.        G Series 3.        GX Series (yang termahal dan tergahar) #panutanque  ·          Contohnya GX-800, speknya yah biasa lah (Ups***) 7 th gen intel Core i7-7820HK, 64Gb RAM, 2 buah NVIDIA GTX 1080 (SLI) yes SLI guys, you can have 2 graphics card work together and these are PC Grade cards... GX800 also has 4K IPS Screen with G-SYNC! And it can be easily Overclocked with built-in program, it’s WATERCOOLED, yes—ada radiatornya guys.. Did it take your breath away yet???? If it hasn’t I’m sure the price will,  laptop ini harganya sekitar $7000 atau sekitar RP 95 000 000 (*gasp* lalu mati) Now I know this GX-800 is not price friendly buat 99% game enthusiast (termasuk gua)… but luckily ada pilihan lain yang the next best

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